New European Electronics for Global Health and Wellbeing – NE4HEALTH value chain analysis goal is to define common components of the value chain and position the members of the clusters within each stage. This is achieved through a value chain mapping approach.
The global value chain of new electronics (printed, embedded) for health and wellbeing industries is split into five main phases, starting from the materials used for printing the electronic circuits up to the market of the medical technologies sector.
Materials ⇒ Processes ⇒ Devices/Integration ⇒ Products ⇒ Market
For each stage of the value chain, common value chain components are identified, dividing 17 groups of technology and 4 groups of markets of interest. This division represents the complementarity of the clusters and allows to detect of possible shortcomings of the value chain.
The ecosystem of NE4HEALTH proves to have sufficient competence in all stages of the value chain (materials, processes, devices/integration, products and market) and no essential shortcomings are detected.
NE4HEALTH main competences in technology groups are in engineering and manufacturing of electronic devices, production of electronic systems, assembly of electronic devices and design of the products. The ecosystem of the project is concentrated on medical devices, digital health and care market groups. This project is interested to cultivate cooperation in the field of developing new products and establish new markets and partners in the industry of medicine and wellbeing.
Clusters involved in the project are with wide international experience and their actions stem from national or regional smart specialisation strategies. All regions and countries that are represented by the clusters hold a clear and strong position and strategies that are designed to modernize industry and use clusters as catalysts for innovation in SMEs.
NE4HEALTH value chain analysis is a public document and will ensure a balanced partnership among all project members. You can read the whole NE4HEALTH Values Chain Analysis on